+27 (0) 12 347 0561 / +27 (0) 12 347 0562 info@iqaccounting.co.za


Surviving The Festive Season Financially

Surviving The Festive Season Financially

The festive season is fast approaching, and all that merry-making can be expensive. There is a lot of pressure to buy things during the holidays, and that can be stressful—and bad for your wallet. However, there are ways to ensure that you cover all your monthly...

Claiming For Your Home Office Expenses

Claiming For Your Home Office Expenses

It has become common in recent times for employers to require or permit employees to work from home after the lockdown regulations came into effect due to Covid-19. Such arrangements could be temporary or may have a degree of permanency. Persons in employment or...

The Tax Implications of Investing in Crypto

The Tax Implications of Investing in Crypto

The SA Revenue Service is quite keen on figuring out who has made money off bitcoin and similar tokens in South Africa. High-net-worth individuals, offshore investors and cryptocurrency investors have explicitly been targeted as areas likely to yield much of the extra...

Invest Smart And Save On Tax!

Invest Smart And Save On Tax!

Improving one’s financial outlook is possible when investing optimally and taking the tax implications of these investments into consideration. This is especially relevant in today’s times with the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic; we need to make sure that...

How to Minimize the Tax Burden on Your Estate

How to Minimize the Tax Burden on Your Estate

Understanding how your estate will be taxed and how the various tax laws apply is key to formulating a good estate plan. It is important while doing estate planning, to make sure that it is aligned with your will and that it is formulated in such a way that the tax...

10 Ways to ensure you have a successful business

10 Ways to ensure you have a successful business

Every entrepreneur and business owner wants to own a successful and profitable business, but it's not always clear how to get there. We have compiled a list of some critical aspects that should be in place for you to call your business successful. 1. Earning a profit...

6 Practical Steps to POPI Compliance

6 Practical Steps to POPI Compliance

South Africa's Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) finally came into full force on 1 July 2020 except for two provisions, sections 110 and 114(4), which will only commence on 30 June 2021. While the Act has been put into operation incrementally since April...

The Importance of Proper Tax Planning 

The Importance of Proper Tax Planning 

It is not forbidden in South African tax law to minimize your tax payable. The principle of tax structuring forms part of our common law and our Income Tax Act has a section dealing with transactions that are solely entered into for tax evasion. To understand the...

Ten Money Mistakes To Avoid

Ten Money Mistakes To Avoid

Most of us are financially savvy. We rather pack a lunch instead of buying it at the cafeteria, save money for the yearly holiday and buy items when on sale. Being on top of your finances, however, consists of more than just these basics. Make sure you do not fall...

SARS Filing Season 2020 for Individuals

SARS Filing Season 2020 for Individuals

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SARS is currently enhancing its efforts to simplify the tax return filing requirements for individual taxpayers and removing the need to travel to their branches in 2020. Through the increased use of third-party data, SARS will be...

11 Ways To Overcome Uncertainty

11 Ways To Overcome Uncertainty

The current situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has left us with much uncertainty about our future, jobs, finances, home situation, health and education to name but a few. A lot of the difficulty dealing with the situation is because our brains are hardwired...

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